Better Alignment And Parallelism Of Sprockets Keep Your Drive Systems Running Smoothly.
The importance of good alignment in your power transmission and conveying systems can’t be overstated.
Misalignment, which occurs when the sprockets are not properly lined up or the bore centerlines are not parallel, increases the likelihood of excessive chain wear, increased maintenance, and shortened chain life. To align and level sprockets and idlers for minimal lateral offset, a steel rule is usually adequate. However, the long center distances common in most applications require more sophisticated alignment tools, such as lasers. One simple and inexpensive way to align elements is to place a laser-pointing device in the guide grove of one sprocket and direct the beam toward another to be checked; the beam should fall in or near the second sprocket’s guide groove.
When sprockets are not parallel, chains may run crooked creating problems in your system. But how closely must sprockets be aligned? It depends on the design and placement of the sprockets. The closer the sprockets are to each other, the more important alignment and parallelism become.
Contact Ramsey to learn more about protecting your power transmission and conveying systems and keeping them running optimally. Our engineers can answer questions and offer recommendations for your silent chain applications.